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Terms & Conditions eSpark Talent

Terms & Conditions - eSpark Talent


eSpark Talent welcomes users to proceed with their visit to the website. The standard terms and conditions are attributed and officially allocated for the use of this website and the extensive presented services of our business. In the intended shared herein users are advised to follow up with the issued terms and conditions by the management of the business for the official website.
The documental section includes all the essentials concerning the rights of eSpark Talent’s offered services, management team, and official website or application. Following the update regarding services the document includes a detailed reference of all allocations that legally protect the rights of the business.
Users are advised to review the herein to acquire the needed insights about user agreement, restrictions, copyright claims, limitation of liability, and security manners of the website.

Overview About eSpark Talent

Functioning and operating under the family tree of eSpark Consultancy Group, the association has progressed from the emerging grouping. eSpark Talent is a certified talent-furnishing platform that works for the update and advancement of corporate and IT companies. By listing the finest talent, the company offers outsourcing services.
eSpark Talent is a futuristic step in this digital world to promote outsourcing services and make the globalized village more connected and convenient for all. The official website represents professionals who are shortlisted after an adept shortlisting and onboarding process. The company has converted itself into a platform of opportunities for outsourced professionals and employers to establish trusted connections by exploiting businesses and profit-earning endeavors.


The exceptional platform is building connections with credible clients and has served numerous employers by offering the best outsourced professionals. The hub of instant hiring is renowned for several over-the-top services that follow the primary purpose of furnishing expert talent. Hence, the team of professionals includes experienced embedded and database developers. Moreover, the proven hands of website and application developers also join the club. Similarly, specialist services of QA engineers and digital marketers are also offered to the client companies.
The process of hiring a talent goes through a legalized and authorized procedure that is conducted between both parties. The employers are advised to select their professionals and have meetings with the eSpark team to onboard talent instantly. The document prohibits every intentional activity that harms the image of the company or its workforce during the service-proving process. Hence, we don’t support and encourage disputable practices that could harm the involved parties.

User Agreement

The website contains agreeable document that reveals the privacy policy for user rights. The herein lays out the righteous and legal aspects that own the rights of the property, security, and subscription manners. Users visiting the website, acquiring services, and continuing to associate with the team lordly accept and permit the shared privacy policy and terms of service.
The agreement herein also expresses the evidence that this website holds the rights to every available material and may use the required data as per the needs of the company. The entries on the website allied with company services approve the sharing of their provided data after the notice of the use of the data through concerning notification.
The terms of service address that the company manages and uses data related to service offerings and other marketing purposes. Hence, it is unconditional to address the refusal regarding the utilization of shared data by users on the website. Moreover, the company doesn’t become the responding authority to answer if any situation of data leak is faced by users.

Data Collection

We gather user data to proffer the foremost services. Hence, users are acknowledged through notifications for the approval of the provided information. We may assemble information to share the needed data with our client companies. In the same way, the company reserves the right to use specific information for marketing purposes.
The offered services of eSpark Talent may require data to bring better results for the users. Thus, every information that is gathered from the website relies on the authority of the company. Moreover, the collected data from the users can also be implemented to lay out future professional opportunities of outsourced employment for the applicants. Therefore, the management owns the authority to utilize every practice including the collection of data to lead the way for future collaboration opportunities.

Intellectual Property Rights

The attachment of images and graphics on the website is reserved by the company. Users are advised to not misuse any information that is shared on the website. The agreement is the evidence for the legal copyright authority of the company on its images, features, design, and content. eSpark Talent is a professional firm that acquires every required intellectual property right to offer secure services to users.

Images & Graphics

Visual elements and images on the website are reserved and are attached as per the requirement of the website’s design. Intellectual property rights represent the reserve of the used material on the website. Hence, the visuals and graphics on the website don’t promote any unwanted or vague goals and clearly manifest the perfect representation of offered outsourcing services.


We may share content on the website through various styles of writing and several mediums. Likewise, in the form of an audio clip or videographic footage. The material and content shared in audio and video won't include any inappropriate exhibits. Hence, the company and management are not answerable to any query from the users about the display of content, audio, and videography on the website.


We strictly follow the essentials in the document of privacy policy (employed to protect user rights). The company does have several restrictions that should be understood by the users. The platform doesn’t include any private information of the users that is not shared in any process, as every information of users is stored in the database after approval. Similarly, we govern every detail and visualization displayed on the website. Users are humbly advised to acknowledge restrictions that are allocated under the consideration of the company website’s legal rights. Likewise, users are decisively restricted from the following:

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Violating the shared terms and conditions of the website.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Stealing a website’s content for personal benefit.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Publishing website material on social media platforms without permission.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Performing practices that may damage the image of the company.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Misusing the subscription or membership advantage.


We include security allocation with the help of updated technological software. The system may use the data that is gathered after your approval. The website is protected from any upcoming bugs or errors. Therefore, we store the information in our database to offer a user-friendly experience and troubleshoot the technical issues occurring on the website.
The intended data of the users is secured in the database and terminated after the request for deletion by the users. Thus, the website acquires the right to protect the data of its own shared information and also serve the visitors with the best data storage software. The shared data of users may not be protected entirely, as visitors are advised to share information at their full accountability.

Subscription, Association & Hiring

The website involves the participation of three members (employee, employer, and common visitor). Every process that includes the association of clients with our team and the hiring of talent from our platform is conducted professionally. There is an onboarding process that is identified by both parties. On the other hand, we may ask for specific information from the employees and employers to offer them our services and assist them with better results.
Furthermore, the website doesn’t implement any practice that reveals the personal information of our clients or available professional talent that is not shared with us. However, every data shared through the website’s customer support is reserved and those who are signed in on our website are also not allowed to share or publicize the content of the website for personal use. Therefore, you are advised not to use your subscription for any unwanted and improper activity that may damage the website.

Limitation Of Liability

The whole team of eSpark Talent (management, directors, leads, and employees) follows the motive of serving clients and offering professional opportunities to individuals. Hence, our support is only limited to professional assistance. Our office workforce including the management directors, leads, and employees won’t be involved in unprofessional liability or during any event that doesn’t include proper paperwork.

Personal Information & Your Content

We only share information of users that have been given by them. We may require further information during the utilization of the services. Including, content, audio or video file material produced by you. After the sharing and public of your content on the website, the company reserves the right to use it for its promotional purposes. On that account, users are guided to share information showing full accountability of the public and share of the specific content.

Your Rights

Our website contains a separate document that addresses user rights. In the privacy policy shared by the website every user security essential is mentioned along with supportive information. We care for your privacy; therefore, we notify you and ask permission to contact the specific information from your side.

Third-Party Sharing

After the public of the content and information on the website, we store the data in our updated and advanced data storage system. Our platform is free to share the specific data provided to our clients to regulate the service-providing cycle. However, users acquiring a membership on our website will require the permission of the management to use and share the available content.

Termination of Account Profile

In the privacy policy, it is clearly addressed that users can request the deletion of their shared data when they are no longer associated with the company. However, in the following cases, your account profile can be terminated from the website.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Violation of the agreement.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Conduct of illegal activities.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Third - party involvement from your profile.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Occurrence of security issues.

Terms & Conditions - eSpart Talent

Payment issues.

Entire Agreement

The entire document represents the team involved in offering professional services. The agreement is evidential proof of all the terms and conditions that are discussed in this document. We desire to offer the finest services to our clients and aim to continue the flow of offering the foremost outsourcing services. Users are gently advised to read out the agreement and respect our terms of service updated on the website.